(image credits, IG: slave2green)
Today we are going to explore another herbaceous evergreen, Anthurium Villenaorum. This one is the latest addition to my Anthurium collection and soon became my favorite because of the easy plant care.
It can thrive in different soil types; you can use a peat-based mixture or a soilless medium like moss or bark. It loves growing in above-average humidity, close to 80% or at least 65%. You should let the top 1 inch of soil approach dryness before adding water.
This plant comes from the Araceae family in the Peru region. It will happily thrive and bloom in your living room corner.
The leaves vary in shades of light and dark green with prominent venation throughout the leaf. This plant is a new discovery for the Anthurium family; it is yet to be described formally.
Anthuriums are considered the longest bloomers; this variety can bloom up to five times per year.
This Anthurium variety looks similar to Anthurium Regale; however, Anthurium Villenaorum has a compact growth habit.
Most growers agree that this plant is one of the easiest velvet leaf Anthurium. This guide will give you an idea about common issues and basic care instructions about this plant.
Table of Contents
Basic Plant Care for Anthurium Villenaorum
This plant is not very fussy in terms of soil; it can be planted in soilless materials like moss or bark. I have planted my Anthurium Villenaorum in a peat mix. This ensures it receives the necessary nutrient for better growth.
You can mix potting soil, orchid soil, and perlite in equal ratios to prepare an ideal mix for your Anthurium Villenaorum. Any soil is acceptable as long as it drains fast and is well-aerated.
If you want to decorate your outdoor garden or patio with the velvety leaves, remember the USDA hardiness zone for this plant is from 10 to 11.
Because of medium water requirements, it does not demand extra attention in terms of watering. Do not drown your plant in the water right after you bring it home from the nursery.
For summer and spring, you should water your plant as soon as the top 1 inch of soil becomes dry. Add water until it starts draining from the holes.
Watering also depends on temperature and light exposure. Higher the temperature and light, the more water your plant needs. This Anthurium variety gives clear signs of water stress or thirst, so watch out for the following signs:
- Curled, yellow leaves
- Droopy leaves and wilted plant
- Grey colored leaves instead of the regular green color
If you notice any of the above signs, you should alter the watering schedule.
This beautiful Anthurium will love locations with partial shade. It can grow in a semi-shaded spot, so you can easily find an ideal location for this plant in your house.
In plain words, you can place this plant anywhere in your house where it gets bright but filtered sunlight.
Like Orchids, this epiphyte plant grows under the shade of other plants in its habitat. So it is not accustomed to direct or high sunlight exposure.
Light and humidity are the most important plant care features for this plant; therefore, make sure you get them right.
Most records indicate that this Anthurium is found growing in low elevations of the San Martin region as an epiphytic.
This means it needs warm temperatures for optimum growth. You should grow this tropical plant in temperatures of 61 – 76 degrees Fahrenheit (16.5 – 24.5 degrees Celsius).
Being endemic to Peru, this variety needs a high humidity environment. It is ideal to maintain the indoor air moisture level between 65 to 70%. You can aim for higher humidity, but it becomes difficult for the residents to tolerate and maintain.
If you plan to grow it in a greenhouse or terrarium, make sure the plant has excellent air circulation around it. This plant will serve well as a bathroom décor because the humidity is higher compared to other places in the house.
You can place your Anthurium in any location, but I would suggest running the humidifier occasionally.
Anthurium Villenaorum is not a heavy feeder, but it will benefit from a mild dose of fertilizer. You can use an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer that is diluted at one-quarter strength. Choose a fertilizer that is designed for Anthuriums.
Apply the fertilizer once a month in the growing season (spring and summer) but every 3 to 4 months otherwise. Feeding with a phosphorus-rich fertilizer before the blooming will help your plant in producing more flowers.
This Anthurium variety requires repotting every 2 to 3 years. Failing to do so will result in a lack of growth and weak health. Some common conditions that indicate your plant requires repotting are:
- Roots circling on the surface of the soil
- Roots poking out from the drainage holes of the container
Repotting should be performed in early spring using a fresh potting mixture and a 2 inch larger pot.
Anthurium Villenaorum will stay compact throughout its life cycle. There is a very low possibility of it taking over your gardening or indoor space. However, frequent pruning will help your keep this plant in compact size and appearance.
Wear protective gloves and use clean equipment to get rid of the dead and diseased foliage. Do not opt for heavy pruning to protect your Anthurium Villenaorum from pruning shock.
In Water
If you have trouble making a good soil mix for your Anthurium plant, you should try propagation in water. Water-grown Anthuriums in glass containers make beautiful decorative pieces.
- Get a small cup or glass jar and fill it with distilled water.
- Now take a small section of the plant with roots already on it. You can also start from scratch with a new stem cutting that has no roots.
- Carefully separate the roots from the root ball without damaging them.
- The next step is to rinse the roots with lukewarm water to remove the soil or dirt.
- Place the plant section in water. The roots should be below the water level and leaves above.
- Keep the glass jar in bright light. You should also change the water after 5 or 7 days.
- You can also add a mild dose of balanced liquid fertilizer once every month for better growth.
- This will take a few weeks, but eventually, you will have a bushy Anthurium Villenaorum with new leaves and roots.
In Soil
If you like conventional gardening techniques, you should try propagation in a soil medium.
- Locate a healthy stem with at least one leaf on it. Use pruning shears to separate this stem from the main plant.
- Take a small 3’’ pot and fill it with a fast-draining mixture.
- Bury the cutting 1 inch deep in the soil. Make sure the leaf is standing upright.
- Water the soil well and keep the potted plant in high humidity and bright, indirect sunlight.
- Root development will take 4 to 6 weeks, and after that, your cutting will develop new foliage.
This plant blooms two to five times every year, but the flowers are not very showy or exciting. The long panicle-like blooms are apple green and white.
I like growing this plant for the gorgeous, dark green foliage. I trim these flowers so that my plant can focus the energy on producing new leaves.
If you want to encourage more blooms on your plant, keep it in an area with good lighting prior to blooming season.
With the right conditions, this slow-growing Anthurium can attain a height from 47 inches to 70 inches (1.2 to 1.8 m). It can also spread about 59 inches (1.5 m).
The rare characteristic of this plant is the white triangular petioles and the velvety or sub-velvety leaves.
The deep green leaves are intersected by several white veins that make this Anthurium a sophisticated houseplant. Upon touching the leaves, you will notice that they are soft.
Once the plant reaches full size, the leaves can grow as large as 29 inches (75 cm). The young leaves are pale green and turn deep green as the plant matures.
There are many other white-veined Anthuriums, but this particular one has a unique growth pattern. The leaves are thick and grow in a rosette structure compared to others.
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Common Problems for Anthurium Villenaorum
Anthuriums are a notable choice for container gardening, but you might face some issues while caring for an Anthurium indoors. Below I have discussed all the common issues for Anthurium Villenaorum.
Water Stress
The most common issue for indoor Anthuriums is root rot. The roots of these plants are very susceptible to rotting.
The most common mistake everyone makes in Anthurium care is overwatering. But overwatering can have serious consequences as it impacts the long-term health of your plant.
Water stress is caused by under or over-watering. Never let your Anthurium sit in a pool of water, but at the same time, don’t let it dry out completely.
If your plant was drying for too long or more than half of the soil has dried out entirely, rehydrate your plant by soaking the root ball in the water.
If you water your plant at least once a week in hot months, under watering will never be an issue.
Bacterial Wilt
Chlorosis, otherwise known as leaf yellowing, is the most common indicator of bacterial wilt. The foliage starts turning bronze/brown as this bacteria spreads in the vascular system of the plant via the veins.
If you cut any stem of the infected Anthurium, you will notice a brown slimy discharge. Your plant will start wilting as the infection gets worse.
Wilting is caused by bacteria known as Ralstonia. Humid environments like greenhouses help these bacteria multiply. You can take the following control and treatment measures to eliminate this disease:
- Follow a strict hygiene and sanitation program for the infected and uninfected plants.
- Apply a fungicide that has phosphorus acid in it.
- This disease is spread by infected tools; therefore, disinfect all your gardening tools regularly.
- This bacterium can survive in an infected potting mix. It is better to remove the infected parts and soil to avoid the spread of the disease.
- Thoroughly disinfect the pots and trays of the infected plant.
Bacterial Blight
If your Anthurium has developed v-shaped watery lesions, it is infected with bacterial blight. These lesions mostly appear along the leaf margins.
Bacterial blight is caused by Xanthomonas bacteria. This bacteria enters the leaves via the pores on the surface, and soon, the infected leaves start yellowing. Bacteria can also enter the plant system via damaged leaf tissues.
This bacterium likes growing in warm, wet soils and high humidity. The amino acids serve as food for Xanthomonas.
These bacteria can not only easily spread within the plant but also from one plant to another. You should isolate the infected plant to avoid this.
If the bacterial blight is left untreated, your Anthurium will wilt and die as all the leaves will eventually turn brown. Water your plant using the bottom watering method.
It is important to keep the foliage dry because if you leave any water on the leaves, bacteria can live in these wet areas for several days.
The best remedy is to control humidity and moisture content. You should also increase air ventilation or circulation around your Anthurium by keeping some space between your plants.
Disinfect all shears or blades after trimming infected parts of the Anthurium. If almost every other leaf on your Anthurium is infected, I would recommend discarding the whole plant.
Avoid using damaged/ diseased stem cuttings for propagation because the new plant will soon die due to infection. Always use a healthy cutting for propagation.
The thick leaf varieties of Anthuriums are vulnerable to sucking pests instead of chewing ones. Keep a close eye on your Anthurium plant to detect pest infections in the early days. Mealybugs, mites, thrips will feed on the leaves and slowly remove plant juices.
The plant’s health will decline over time. To identify pest infections, you must know the symptoms. I have created a brief list of symptoms of pests based on my experience:
- Presence of a sticky substance (honeydew) on foliage and flowers. You will also notice ants around the honeydew.
- Distorted and mottled leaves.
- Yellow and unhealthy new leaves.
- Faded leaves combined with a limp plant.
- No new growth for several weeks.
Once you are sure about the presence of pests, you should treat your plant with a strong stream of water to drown the stubborn pests. You should also clean the leaves of your plant with any of the following material:
- Pyrethrin-based insecticide
- Neem oil
- Horticulture soap or oil
You can avoid future infestations by keeping a close eye on the plant and spraying neem oil every week.
Tips for an Unhappy Anthurium Villenaorum
- This Anthurium needs sufficient light, but it never appreciates direct sunlight.
- Right after the initial planting, feed it with a diluted vitamin solution to recover from transplant shock.
- Too frequent or too much water is not favorable for this plant because it can lead to root rot.
- Carefully unpack your Anthurium and inspect for any root or foliage damage during the transport.
Frequently Asked Questions on Anthurium Villenaorum
Will the leaves of this Anthurium stay green in winter?
This is an evergreen variety; therefore, the leaves will remain bright green in all four seasons.
How can I protect my Anthurium Villenaorum from the direct sun?
Too much sun gives sunburns to your Anthurium; therefore, you should protect it from direct sunlight by keeping it under shade cloth or next to a window with sheer curtains.
My Anthurium has developed yellow and brown spots on the leaves, what should I do?
This is the result of a lack of sufficient light. You should remove all the unhealthy leaves and relocate your pot to a new position where it gets bright sunlight. Another consideration is to make sure drainage holes are not clogged, and excess water drains freely.
What can I do to avoid leggy growth on my Anthurium Villenaorum?
Make sure your plant has an even distribution of sunlight to prevent leggy stems. You should also trim the leggy growth to maintain the aesthetics of this compact plant.
What are the most important conditions for Anthurium growth?
While caring for Anthurium plants, never allow your plant to sit next to cold drafts or let it dry out completely. Try to maintain high levels of bright light and humidity.
My plant has very few leaves at the base; what can I do for prolific growth?
Pinch the leaves at the top or prune your plant in early spring to force more leaf growth.
Can I grow Anthurium Villenaorum variety on my balcony or any other outdoor location?
This Anthurium will thrive in any outdoor location in summer when the temperature does not drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius). It should be placed in a draught-free location.
This velvet leaf Anthurium can decorate your indoor or patio garden with deep green leaves. The white veins and dark green leaves are a classic combination. This plant is also great for creating a suitable environment for Orchids.
Hang it in your living room inside a basket or grow it in a terrarium; this compact grower will thrive in any location with proper light and humidity.
This unusual Anthurium is still new and rare to find. It needs little attention from you but decorates your house and purifies the air. Just keep this plant away from your pets as all parts of this plant are toxic.
You should also try other varieties of veined Anthuriums such as Anthurium Clarinervium, Anthurium Regale, Anthurium Magnificum, and Anthurium Forgetii.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.