The Monstera genus, according to the Chinese culture, represents longevity and respect. Famous for its split leaves and prolific nature, Monstera Lechleriana is a popular houseplant choice across the globe.
It is related to the legendary Monstera adansonii and has striking features similar to it.
This unique species is generally easy to grow and does not have excessive needs.
The Monstera Lechleriana plant thrives in bright filtered sunlight and has regular watering needs. It loves humid climates and grows well in soils that are moist and well-draining.
The Monstera Lechleriana is an evergreen species with interesting foliage. It hails from the Arum family of plants. The rainforests of Central America, including Mexico and Panama, are the natural habitat of this aroid plant.
This tropical species produces a large number of leaves. Naturally, its foliage is green in color and has a distinctive split-leaf appearance.
As they naturally grow in rainforests, Lechlerianas tend to climb over tree trunks. The Lechleriana plant can reach lofty heights when allowed.
Its leaves, compared to its close relative, Monstera Adansonii, are generally larger.
As the plant grows, it gives rise to big and lush leaves that frequently have holes close to its central vein.
The Monstera Lechleriana has a fast growth rate. Its mature leaves usually fan out as the plant climbs higher.
The Monstera genus has at least 48 species, with most growing in the wild.
All Monstera varieties differ from each other in size, color, and hole arrangement.
Despite their iconic slotted-leave appearance, they are often confused with other species.
One explanation for this is that the Monstera plant leaves go through several changes throughout their growth phase.
A juvenile Monstera plant may look completely different from its mature form.
The Lechleriana plants generally require little maintenance. It is a sturdy species and can last you for a long time when given the right care.
Table of Contents
Basic Plant Care for Monstera Lechleriana
The Monsteras come from the wetlands of rainforests. These tropical beauties enjoy soil that is rich in nutrients, moist, and organic.
I suggest you use soil that is well-draining and not excessively wet. You can use a good quality potting soil mix that has peat moss.
Ensure that if you pot your Monstera Lechleriana in a container, it has drainage holes.
If the potting mix holds too much water, it can lead to root-rot, which can be a complete disaster for a houseplant gardener.
Remember to stay away from soils that are too muddy, dry, or sandy. The Lechleriana also does not do well in potting soils that contain bark or compost.
The Monstera Lechleriana is quite the water-loving plant. However, just like it is for most plants, overwatering can cause increased susceptibility to infections and possibly death.
I recommend you to maintain a regular watering routine for this unique species. During the summers, when the temperature is high, keep the plant’s soil moist, but not soggy.
If you are having trouble assessing the soil’s water content, use your fingers to make things easier.
Poke one of your fingers into the top 1 to 2 inches of the potting mix. If it feels too wet, allow it to dry out for a while. Once it is relatively dry, only then water your Lechleriana plant.
When the Lechleriana plant’s growth rate is much slower in the winters, lower your watering frequency. The goal is to avoid overwatering, so the plant does not suffer from fungal infection or root-rot.
You can water your Monstera Lechleriana once or maximum twice a week, if necessary. Water it till you see some water draining out of the bottom of the plant pot.
Make sure that the vessel housing your plant has drainage holes that prevent water accumulation.
A well-draining pot will allow the excess water to flow out of the vessel, away from the plant’s roots freely.
Keep a close eye on your Lechleriana plant, as these tropical beauties do not produce their characteristic holes if their environment is too dry or excessively cold. Establish a balance between the two extremes of moisture and dryness.
The Monstera Lechleriana species naturally grows in rainforests and so is partially shaded by trees. Therefore, they are intolerant to direct sunlight. They flourish in bright dappled indirect sunlight, with approximately 70% to 85% sunlight.
Remember to keep them away from areas where there is a direct hit of unfiltered scorching sunlight, as the Lechleriana plant may suffer from leaf-burn.
Similarly, do not place your plant in full shade, away from the light. This can lead to little or no plant growth.
It is best to keep your Monstera Lechleriana plant close to a window where indirect light falls. If your house does not have such a spot, use artificial growing lights.
Alternatively, you can tie a cloth to a window, which will only allow diffused light to come into contact with the Lechleriana plant.
The rainforests of Central America are home to these tropical species.
Although the Monstera Lechleriana plants naturally grow in a relatively warm climate, they can survive in a wide range of temperatures. The optimum temperature range for the Lechleriana is 55 to 80°F (12.7 to 26.7 degrees Celsius).
When planted indoors, they are generally sturdier than other houseplants. During spring and summer, you can keep them inside without worrying much about them.
One major reason for this is that the temperatures during this time are generally favorable for the Lechleriana plants.
However, the colder months, winter and autumn, maybe harsher. Therefore, if you have placed the Lechleriana plant outdoors, it is best to bring it inside.
Be certain that your Monstera Lechleriana plant is kept away from open windows and heating/cooling units, as they can cause temperature fluctuations.
Likewise, protect it from frost and freezing temperatures.
Fortunately, Monsteras can withstand unfavorable humidity levels longer than other houseplants. However, as expected from rainforest-plants, Lechlerianas like their environments moderately humid.
A rough estimate for the optimal humidity level for a Lechleriana plant is 50% to 60%. Typically, households have this much humidity.
Nonetheless, if you would like to increase your house’s humidity levels, you can use a humidifier or group your houseplants.
Firstly, check the humidity levels in your house. A good option to do this is to buy a hygrometer, a device that accurately measures the humidity in its surroundings.
If it is less than the optimal level, you can make use of a humidifier.
If you rather do things the organic way, you can place trays filled with pebbles and water around your Lechleriana plant.
Another way is to put all your houseplants together, so there is a better humidity distribution.
If you notice your Monstera Lechleriana’s leaf tips turning brown or crispy, which indicates humidity stress, make sure to check the humidity levels and set them accordingly.
You may be surprised how little the Lechleriana plant’s food needs are, considering its large size. It only has to be fed a few times throughout the year, making things a lot easier for its owner.
For ensuring that your Monstera Lechleriana grows into a mature and healthy plant, add a dash of fertilizer approximately 6 inches away from the base of the plant, thrice a year.
Use a slow-release fertilizer that is of good quality and preferably made for Monsteras specifically.
If you don’t want to use a slow-release product and want to feed your plant regularly instead, use a liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the summers.
As for the winters, when the growth rate is comparatively slower, you can feed it once or not at all. Both options work well for this durable species.
As long-lasting and resistant as this plant is, do not entirely forget to feed it. If left unfertilized, its development will significantly slow down, and eventually, the plant may die.
The Monstera Lechlerianas grow very well indoors. However, for healthy growth, its roots must have sufficient space. Any plant, including Lechleriana, will cease to grow if it is root-bound.
The young Monstera Lechleriana can grow very well in a container that has a 10 to 20 inches diameter. However, when you begin to notice slower growth or drying leaves, it is time to repot it.
The new pot that you choose should be bigger, well-ventilated, and have good drainage.
You can opt for a traditional plastic nursery container, which can house the plant well, or you can put it in a fancy pot for decoration.
Keep in mind that the looser the plant’s roots are, the taller and healthier it will grow.
Generally, when mature, the Monstera Lechleriana plants take up a lot of space. Thus, pruning them from time to time is a good idea.
You can trim your Lechleriana for the mere purpose of size control. With its lush green and unique foliage, this beautiful plant can look pleasing in any corner of the house.
However, if it takes too much space, it can look a little crowded, or in simple words, unpleasant.
If you would like your Lechleriana plant to keep flourishing without outgrowing its allotted space, trim off a vine or two carefully with a pair of pruning scissors/shears.
Another reason for pruning can be the presence of yellow or brown leaves.
Frequently, the Lechleriana plant leaves turn yellow or excessively dry due to malnutrition, old age, or disease. For aesthetic purposes, you can pick these leaves off for a more attractive look.
Remember to spray your plants with some water from time to time. Wipe off excessive moisture to minimize the probability of pest attack or bacterial infection.
Luckily, propagating the Monsteras is pretty easy. All you need is a Monstera Lechleriana plant, a pair of scissors, a container filled with the right soil mix, and some water. Follow the steps below:
Stem Cuttings Method
- Cut a stem cutting off your Lechleriana plant that has several nodes or leaves.
- Prepare a pot with the appropriate soil mix and add some water to it.
- Make sure the pot allows good drainage.
- Now put your stem cutting in the pot and add more soil and water if necessary.
- Next, place your stem cutting in a spot with bright indirect sunlight and allow some roots to grow.
- Once you notice some roots or new foliage growing out of the plant, shift it to a bigger pot for easy growth.
It can take about 2-4 weeks for your plant to start growing roots. Thus, after propagating it, sit back and relax while the plant does its job.
The Monstera Lechleriana is a magnificent species with unique and attractive foliage. However, it mostly does not produce flowers. Blooms have rarely been seen on this tropical species, especially on the indoor Lechleriana plants.
The Monstera Lechleriana plant has a moderate growth rate. Most of its development occurs during the summer and spring seasons. During autumn and winter, it grows very slowly or becomes dormant.
The Lechleriana plant is prolific and can reach great heights. In rainforests, its epiphytic vines grow on the lower trunks of large trees. They can grow about 6 to 10 inches tall with the right care and environment.
This terrestrial creeper has internodes usually 0.4 to 2.4 inches (1 to 6 centimeters). The Monstera Lechleriana’s leaves are large and glossy, and as they mature, form their distinctive splits.

Common Problems for Monstera Lechleriana
As mentioned earlier, the Monstera Lechleriana is a long-lasting and resistant plant that can survive unfavorable conditions for a considerable time.
As the care for the Lechleriana is similar to Monstera adansonii care, similar problems like the ones below may arise from time to time:
Yellow Leaves
If your Lechleriana plant’s leaves are turning yellow, or worse, brown, there can be various reasons. One common reason is overwatering or underwatering.
Check your Monstera Lechleriana plant’s soil to see if it needs water. If the top few inches are dry, it is time to add some water. On the contrary, if it seems too wet or sticky, you need to stop watering it and let it be for a few hours, till the soil dries out enough.
Another reason can be inadequate sunlight. Make sure your Lechleriana plant receives its fair share of the sun. Place it where bright filtered sunlight hits it.
Alternatively, pest attacks or fungal infections could also be the cause. Get an antifungal or antibacterial spray and mist your plant with it.
Similarly, ensure your gardening tools are cleaned and sterilized before using them.
Slow Growth
If your Lechleriana grows much slower than usual, it is either not getting enough sun or is root-bound.
Your Lechleriana may suffer from slow or stunted growth if it is placed in insufficient sunlight or not placed in sunlight as frequently as it should be.
To repair the damage, expose it to some bright dappled sunlight. It will most likely begin to grow normally.
If you see your Lechleriana plant wilting or its roots growing out of its current pot, repot it immediately into a bigger, well-draining pot.
Pest Attack
If bacteria or pests have infected your Monstera Lechleriana plant, buy an antibacterial spray or antibacterial soap as soon as possible. Mist your plant with the spray thoroughly or wash it with soap.
Also, keep an eye on the plant’s soil as overly wet soil increases the probability of a pest attack or spider mite infection. Water the plant only when needed and wipe off excess moisture after watering. Also, only use free-draining pots for your Lechleriana plant.
Moreover, keep your gardening tools clean and germ-free.
Tips for Growing Monstera Lechleriana
Follow these quick tips to ensure fast and healthy growth:
- As the Lechleriana species is climbing, give them some support to attach to. For instance, you can buy plant totem poles and allow the Lechleriana plant to grow on it.
- If indoors, keep the Monstera Lechleriana plant in bright, filtered, indirect sunlight. However, if planted outdoors, place the Lechleriana plant in partial shade or give it some time to adapt to harsher or more direct sunlight.
- Do not overwater or under-water it as the plant will suffer from root rot or wilting. Follow the routine of watering it fortnightly only.
- Keep it in a pot that is large enough, well-ventilated, and has good drainage.
Frequently Asked Questions about Monstera Lechleriana
Does Monstera Lechleriana need a lot of sunlight?
The Monstera Lechleriana does not need excessive sunlight. However, bright, dappled indirect sunlight is perfect for it to grow healthy and tall.
How can I make my Monstera Lechleriana grow faster?
Place your Lechleriana plant in a bright spot with filtered, indirect sunlight, in a well-ventilated and drained pot. Feed it tri-annually and water it when needed. And lastly, be patient.
Why is my Monstera Lechleriana wilting?
The most probable cause for this is overly-wet or overly dried soil. Check your plant’s soil and water it accordingly.
How do I know if I have overwatered my Monstera Lechleriana?
Your Monstera Lechleriana leaves will turn yellow, brown, or black. Minimize the number of times you water your plant to fix this problem.
The Monstera Lechleriana is a beautiful plant with unique split-leaf foliage that can make any corner of your house look colorful and lively.
With little care, it can last you for years. However, Lechleriana is a toxic plant if ingested, so keep it away from children and your furry friends.