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Monstera Borsigiana Aurea Care – The Unicorn Guide

Monstera Borsigiana Aurea Care – The Unicorn Guide

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If you are a fan of yellow variegated Monstera plants, Monstera Borsigiana Aurea is for you. This beauty, though not as common, is just as charming as its fellow Monstera plants.

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea is fairly easy to care for. It requires bright indirect sunlight and has average watering needs. It likes to be watered once or twice a week and thrives in well-draining soils. The best temperature range is between 59 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 25 degrees Celsius). Furthermore, this tropical beauty is quite easy to propagate.

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea is reasonably similar to its close relative, Monstera Borsigiana Albo. What differentiates them is the color of their variegation. The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant produces yellow variegation, whereas the Monstera Borsigiana Albo plant gives rise to white variegation.

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea is also known as Marmorata and Yellow Variegated Monstera.

The Monstera is native to the rainforests of Central America, including Mexico and Panama.

The genus has over 48 species growing in the wild. However, they all differ in terms of size, color, and hole arrangement.

Monstera Borsigiana Aurea Plant Care


Monstera arises from tropical lands that receive plenty of rain throughout the year. Therefore, these tropical beauties thrive in soils that are rich in nutrients, moist, and organic.

I recommend you use soil that is well-draining with good aeration. A good idea is to use a good quality potting soil mix that contains peat moss, orchid bark, and perlite.

The soil for Monstera Borsigiana Aurea should have excellent drainage.

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant loves soil that is slightly acidic to alkaline (5 to 7.5). Please remember that the Borsigiana Aurea plant is more prone to root-rot than its fellow species.

Therefore, if you are potting it in a container, ensure that it has drainage holes and does not allow water accumulation.

I also suggest you stay away from soils that are too muddy or sandy.

This plant will thrive outdoors in USDA hardiness zones of 9b to 11.


The Yellow Variegated Monstera has simple watering needs. The watering schedule primarily depends on the season. It only requires water for about once or twice a week during the summers, while watering weekly during the winters is sufficient.

It is best to allow the plant’s soil to be your watering guide. Please water the plant generously when it’s above 1 to 2 inches appear dry to you. Ensure that you water all parts of the plant or add plenty of water to its roots.

Please be sure not to water the plant too little or excessively. Under-watering the plant may lead to dried leaf-tips, while overwatering can cause root-rot. The latter can be quite a serious problem and may lead to the plant’s death.

If you are growing your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant in a pot, add water till you see water coming out of the drainage holes. Please refrain from making your Marmorata plant stay in soggy soil or standing water.

I advise you to use lukewarm and low-chlorine content water when watering. The best is to let water stand 24 hours before watering.


Like most plants, the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant thrives in bright, filtered sunlight. It does not do well under harsh and direct sun rays. If exposed to the direct scorching sun for an extended period, the plant’s leaves may burn.

Similarly, placing it in full shade or insufficient sunlight can also have detrimental effects. When placed in inadequate sunlight, the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant grows very slowly, or its growth comes to a complete halt.

I recommend you place your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant facing northwest or south window where there is an ample amount of filtered sunlight. Alternatively, you can grow the Borsigiana Aurea plant under artificial growing lights.


Due to its tropical nature, the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant does not like temperature extremes. However, it can tolerate a wide variety of temperatures, adding to the list of reasons for why it is an excellent houseplant choice.

The ideal temperature range for the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is 59 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 25 degrees Celsius).

The Borsigiana Aurea plant has an active growth rate during the summer and spring seasons. However, the winter season may cause a temporary growth cessation.

The Yellow Variegated Monstera plant does not react well to extremely cold temperatures and frost; therefore, it is best to bring the plant inside during the colder months.

Moreover, ensure that your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is kept away from open windows and heating/cooling units, as they can cause temperature fluctuations. These sudden temperature changes can have adverse effects on the plant’s overall health.


These tropical dwellers are high humidity lovers. A minimum humidity level of about 65% is essential for the plant to thrive. Any environment that is too dry can cause damage to this variegated beauty.

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant enjoys high humidity. However, in some areas, such elevated levels can be hard to achieve. Fortunately, there are several ways you can establish and maintain these high moisture levels.

You can use a pebble-water tray under the Borsigiana Aurea plant’s pot or set up a humidifier in the surroundings.

You can also mist the plant’s surroundings, making sure not to make direct contact with the plant.  Alternatively, you can group all your houseplants in one room to have fair humidity distribution.

If you notice your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant’s leaves’ tips turning brown or crispy, the plant may be suffering from humidity stress. In such a scenario, check the moisture levels and set them according to the plant’s preferences.


The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is not a considerably avid eater. Its feeding needs are of an average houseplant. It only requires fertilizer two to three times throughout the year.

To ensure that your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant grows into a happy and healthy plant, add a dash of good-quality fertilizer approximately 6 inches away from the base of the plant once or twice a month.

Preferably, use a slow-release fertilizer that is organic and made for Monsteras exclusively.

If you are using a diluted liquid fertilizer, add the fertilizer approximately twice a week during the summers.

During the dormant winter season, reduce your feeding frequency. The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant mostly does not need any feed during this season. Please continue feeding it normally the following summer and spring seasons.

Do not over-feed the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant as the salts in the fertilizer may accumulate and cause toxicity.

The harmful effects of toxicity are often irreversible, making things troublesome for the houseplant owner.


The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant does not need a huge, growing pot. It does fairly well in decent-sized pots and grows relatively well until root-bound. Therefore, repotting it monthly is not required.

When the plant seems root-bound, pick a bigger, well-ventilated pot that has several drainage holes at the base.

This will allow easy flow for the extra water. If you want your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant to climb up on something, use natural sphagnum moss pole and put it into the potting soil to promote proper growth.

You can choose a traditional plastic nursery container or opt for a fancy decorative pot. Both can house the plant well and allow unrestricted growth.


The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea is a beautiful plant; however, what can add to its beauty is a bit of pruning from time to time. There can be several reasons to prune the Yellow Variegated Monstera plant.

One important reason is aesthetics. For the plant to look pleasing, it should have a uniform, tamed appearance. You can cut off a few distorted vines or leaves or get rid of yellow leaves. This will leave your Borsigiana Aurea plant looking even more appealing.

Please cut the plant from the bottom if you are pruning it for size control.

Another unfortunate reason is bacterial infection. A diseased vine or leaf will make your plant look unattractive and also spread the infection to the other parts.

Therefore, it is best to cut off any bacterial-infected plant to minimize the probability of spread.

I suggest you avoid plucking the plant, as it may bruise it. Furthermore, please only use the equipment, such as pruning shears, that is disinfected and germ-free, and wear gloves to prevent skin irritation.


Fortunately, the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is one of the easier plants to propagate.

You will need a mature Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant, a pair of scissors, a container filled with the medium of your choice.

Stem Cuttings Method

  • Prepare a pot in advance with the appropriate soil mix and add some water to it.
  • Make sure the pot has good drainage and aeration.
  • Please cut a stem cutting from your Borsigiana Aurea plant that has numerous nodes or leaves.
  • Next, put your stem cutting in the pot with the soil-mix and add more soil and water if required.
  • Now, place this stem cutting in a spot with bright dappled sunlight and allow new roots to grow.
  • Once you notice some roots or new leaves growing out of the plant, shift it to a larger pot for unrestricted growth.
  • Change the plant’s water if necessary.

It can take approximately 3 to 6 weeks for your Borsigiana Aurea plant to start growing roots. Therefore, after propagating it, sit back and relax while the plant does its job.


The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is a magnificent species with a wide spectrum of colors. However, it mostly does not produce any blooms.

It is mostly grown for its variegated golden-yellow fenestrated foliage with beautiful shades of green.


The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant has a moderate growth rate. Most of its development takes place during the summer and spring seasons. In the autumn and winter seasons, it grows slowly or not at all.

This tropical beauty has variations in the heights it can reach. However, most of these plant species grow to a height of about 118 to 197 inches (3 to 5 meters) when given the right care.

It can grow fairly well outdoors as well as indoors. The growth rate may vary, depending on the season; summer is the most favorable.

To encourage and maintain healthy growth, provide the plant with its preferred growth environment.

Common Problems for Monstera Borsigiana Aurea

Root Rot

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is generally easy to care for. However, it is sensitive to changes in its watering schedule. It can tolerate several unfavorable conditions, water being one exception. When compared to its fellow species, it is quick to fall prey to the root-rot.

To avoid this problem, simply monitor your watering frequency. Please do not overwater the plant as this is the foremost reason for the root-rot. Add water to the plant only when it’s top 1 to 2 inches seem dry.

On the other hand, also do not water your plant too little as this can also have harmful effects.

Yellow Leaves

Another major problem for the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is yellow leaves. If your beloved plant’s leaves turn yellow or brown, there can be a long list of reasons. However, one common cause is under-watering or overwatering.

Take a close look at your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant’s soil to see if it needs water. If the top few inches are dry, only then add water. In contrast, if it seems excessively wet or sticky, you need not water and let it dry out for a few days.

Another reason can be insufficient sunlight. Please ensure that your Borsigiana Aurea plant receives its fair share of the sun. Place it where bright indirect sunlight comes into contact with it.

Alternatively, pest attack or fungal infections can also be the reason. Purchase an antifungal or antibacterial spray and mist your plant with it. Likewise, make sure your gardening tools are clean and disinfected before using them.

Leaves without Slits or Holes

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant normally has slits or fenestrations. However, if your plant does not have any, it can be normal or due to inadequate sunlight.

One normal reason is that the plant is too young to develop any slits. The fenestrations are a sign of maturity; therefore, it may take a while before your plant forms its characteristic slits.

The other reason can be insufficient light or nutrients. Please make sure that your plant is kept in bright indirect sunlight and well-fed throughout the growing seasons. This will most likely eradicate the problem, and your plant will form its signature slits.

Pest Attack

If bacteria or pests have infected your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant, do not panic. Please use an antibacterial spray or soap as soon as possible. Mist the plant generously with the spray or wash it with the soap.

Besides that, keep an eye on the plant’s soil as excessively wet soil increases the probability of a pest attack or spider mite infection. Water your Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant only when needed and wipe off the excess moisture. Also, only use well-draining pots for your plant.

Moreover, keep your gardening tools sterilized and germ-free.

Tips for Growing Monstera Borsigiana Aurea

  • Use lukewarm and low-chlorine water.
  • Place the plant in bright, dappled sunlight.
  • Prune the plant carefully and from the bottom if pruning for size control.
  • Please avoid under and overwatering the plant.
  • Use free-draining pots.
  • Please do not repot frequently.
  • Keep the plant in high humidity.

Read also about Monstera adansonii care

Frequently Asked Questions about Monstera Borsigiana Aurea

Is Monstera Borsigiana Aurea toxic?

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is toxic. Its juices can cause serious skin irritation. Please wear gloves while pruning or propagating the plant, and not allow children or pets to munch on them.

What is the difference between Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera Deliciosa?

The difference is not very clear; however, most believe that the Monstera Borsigiana is a cultivar of Monstera Deliciosa that grows smaller. Also, the Borsigiana is a vining Monstera whereas the Deliciosa has a very small internodal distance.

What is the difference between Monstera Borsigiana Aurea and Borsigiana Albo?

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea has yellow variegation while the Monstera Borsigiana Albo has white patches.

Is Monstera Borsigiana Aurea a flowering plant?

Monstera Borsigiana Aurea does flower and produces what is called an inflorescence with a spathe and spadix.

Why does my Monstera Borsigiana Aurea have so many holes?

The fenestrations are normal and indicate that the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea plant is becoming more mature.

Why does my Monstera Borsigiana Aurea have brown tips?

This can be due to various reasons. Two frequent reasons are excessively dried-out soil and inconsistent watering. Please ensure that you are growing your Borsigiana Aurea plant in the ideal soil-type and giving it adequate water.


The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea is a beautiful plant with golden-yellow and green color.

As it matures, it produces perforations that add to its uniqueness. This Monstera species need warmth, bright filtered or indirect sunlight, and has average watering needs.

With its pros come some cons. It is a toxic plant and can cause serious skin reactions. Keep it away from your kids and your furry friends.

Other plants in the Monstera genus are Monstera Deliciosa and Monstera Adansonii or if you fancy variegation the Variegated Monstera Deliciosa and Variegated Monstera Adansoniimight be of interestst for you.